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Næringsstoffer til stresshjælp

(English) health blog

The combination of junk food and stress is damaging to your health. But when we’re under stress we are reaching after the sweets and chips, making things even worse.

The physiological relationship between the diet and the emotions is well established. But what to eat when we are under a lot of stress and how to keep ourselves from unhealthy fats and sugar?


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Negative virkninger af stress

(English) how to relief stress

We can define stress as a physical response to adverse or demanding circumstances. Our entire body responds to influences (stressors), perceiving them as a threat, or even attack.

Affected by these treats, we activate the “fight or flight” mechanisms, releasing a complex mix of hormones and chemicals, such as adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine.


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Forbliv aktiv

De fysiske fordele ved motion er veldokumenterede, og lægerne opmuntrer os altid til at være fysisk aktive.

Øvelse og træning anses for afgørende for at bevare mental skarphed, og det kan reducere stress. Undersøgelser viser, at fysisk aktivitet er meget effektivt til at reducere træthed, hvilket øger den overordnede kognitive funktion. Dette kan være særligt nyttigt, når stress har udtømt din energi eller koncentrationsevne.