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Enjoy the NUTS

Nuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can get, as they contain a wide range of nutrients. They are energy-boosters, and at the same time, they are excellent for a low-carbon diet.

You can enjoy: hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, pecan, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts (even though peanuts are actually legumes, they have a similar nutrient profile as the other nuts), and be certain that you do something good for your body.


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Dark Chocolate – Delicious and Nutritious

NO.06 – 10 ml drops” width=”300″ height=”300″ /> NO.06 – 10 ml drops[/caption]

Ældning og kardiovaskulær sundhed

En nye undersøgelse, udført af italienske forskere og offentliggjort i tidsskriftet Hypertension, involverede 90 personer over 65 år med mild kognitiv svækkelse (MCI).

Denne tilstand gør hukommelsesproblemer mere alvorlige end dem, der ses ved normal aldring, men mindre alvorlig end demens. Det anslås, at 20 procent af mennesker over 70 år har MCI, og at 5 procent af dem med MCI udvikler denne form for demens hvert år.

Efter otte uger performede den gruppe, der fik de højeste koncentrationer af kakao, bedre på en række hukommelses-tests, flydende tale og andre kognitive tests, efterfulgt af mellemgruppen. Deres blodtryk, blodsukkerbalance og oxidative stressniveauer forbedres også.

Selvom flavonoider kan have en direkte virkninger på neuroner og neurodegenerative processer, konkluderede forskerne, at de kognitive fordele primært var relateret til bedre insulinfølsomhed, hvilket påvirker blodsukkerkontrollen såvel som hjernefunktionen. Fordelene kan også skyldes kakaoens generelle virkning på kardiovaskulær sundhed og blodtryk.For hundreds of years, chocolate has been considered as a healthy food. In the beginning, people drank chocolate (chocolate is made from cacao or cocoa).

Ever since Spanish explorers have brought chocolate back to Europe in the 16th century from Mayans, who drank cocoa cold and with spices, chocolate was valued as a special drink, as well as taken as a medicine. Drinkable chocolate has been used for years to treat ailments and maladies. What does this special food/drink have?


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Goji Berries – Powerful Antioxidants

Food provides energy in the form of calories, from carbs, fat, and protein. It’s sufficient to say we do not function without it, and our batteries have to be recharged several times a day.

However, the question is what do we eat, and are the daily food intakes satisfying all the needs of our organism?

What are the nutrients that restore energy, and what are the foods we should include in our healthy diet because of their health benefits?