Funghi Boost 30 ml

(3 customer reviews)

retail price: € 46.72

€ 37.37

MyCure is a dietary supplement series that contains only organic and 100% natural extracts from nature’s vast reservoir of superfoods, vitamins, and minerals.

The first product we are launching is MyCure FUNGHI BOOST, which is based on four of the most powerful mushrooms found in nature: Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps.

All are gently extracted, after which the extract is dissolved in osmosis-purified water, with a touch of vegetable glycerin from coconut. Everything is of the highest quality.

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MyCure is a dietary supplement series that contains exclusively organic and 100% natural extracts from the plant kingdom’s enormous store of superfoods, vitamins and minerals

The first product we are launching is MyCure FUNGHI BOOST, which is based on 4 of the amazing mushrooms: Reishi, Chaga, Lions Mane and Cordyceps.

All are gently extracted and the extract dissolved in osmosis-purified water. All in top-shelf quality.

Mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, among other things, so it is neither new nor unknown to use specific mushrooms to optimize health.

The mushrooms in MyCure contain antioxidants that protect the body’s cells against oxidative stress, which is a chemical imbalance in the body that can damage healthy cells and tissues.

We have chosen a very effective composition of mushrooms in FUNGHI BOOST, each of which has properties that protect and optimize the body right down to the cellular level.

All in all, MyCure FUNGHI is a strong NEW way to boost your health and achieve the great benefits of the special properties of mushrooms.

3 reviews for Funghi Boost 30 ml

  1. Elva Braad Mortensen

    Funghi Boost booster virkelig!! Jeg har altid haft lavt blodtryk, og fandt ud af at jeg skulle starte på en meget lille dosis i de første dage, og trappe langsomt op. Tager det gerne 3 x dagligt i stedet for 1 gang, der virker bedst for mit system. Giver øget fokus og energi, og mere ro til et hurtigtkørende ADHD-hoved 🙂

  2. Cami1

    Det første jeg gør om morgenen er at tage 1/2 pipette fuld… inden for 30 minutter mærker jeg et fedt energiboost og en klarhed skylle ind over mig, så er dagen ligesom igang.

  3. Msamsa09

    Den er mega god hæver lige energien og humøret 💖💖💖