Wetality CBD Paste
endverbraucherpreis: € 169.00
€ 127.00
Active ingredient: 5 ml, 3000 mg CBD (60%), THC: < 0.2%
Cannabis sativa flower/leaf/stem extract, Cannabis sativa seed oil
316 vorrätig
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Smartship notice: First payment: Mai 1, 2025
Wetality CBD Paste is of dark color, thicker and of dense texture.
Contains verified industrial hemp oil diluted in organic hemp seed oil for better absorption and improved efficiency.
Contains only natural ingredients.
No artificial colors, aromas, preservatives.
Contains industrial hemp cannabinoids as an active ingredient.
Store in a cool and dry place.
USAGE: Moisturizes and soothes. Use topically – for skin application where needed.
Precautions: Rinse in case of eye contact or skin irritation.