Wetality AIR Purifier
(English) Wetality air is one of the strongest competitors in the market. It is Air purifier and humidifier in one machine and removes 99.97% unhealthy particles from the polluted air.
(English) Filters are inside.
(English) Price: € 386.00
Guarantee and Service Agreement
(English) Multi Filter Package-2003 is shipped 8 months after the initial order, Complete Filter Package-2002 is shipped 16 months after initial order. Every 48 months you can replace your Wetality AIR purifier with the latest version ABSOLUTELY FREE!
(English) Price: € 22.00 / (English) month

Filter Packages
(English) You can also buy your filters for Wetality Air, without having a Service and Warranty Agreement.
Multi Filter
(English) Includes Multi Filter only.
(English) Price: € 64.00
Complete Filter
(English) Includes Multi Filter, Pre Primary Filter and UV light.
(English) Price: € 87.00