
Shipments and support during Christmas and New Year

Christmas and New Year 2024 - The office will be completely closed on the public holidays for Christmas and New Year's. Customer service will be staffed to a limited extent on weekdays from December 23rd to January 1st. Orders that are to be shipped this year must be received by Wetality no later than December 26th. Merry Christmas and a smashing New Year!

Looking for EASY, SMART, and COST-EFFECTIVE solutions?

Smartship is a convenient, cost-saving, and smart way to ensure you get the maximum discount on your Wetality products. Place a Smartship order worth at least € 59.00 (paid over two months) and receive your Wetality products automatically every other month. If you set up a Smartship order of at least € 100.00, you'll also enjoy free shipping.

Wetality Hand Cream - IMPROVED FORMULA

Wetality Hand Cream - IMPROVED FORMULA has been created with utmost care for the details.


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    *free DAO or international shipping

    or discounted GLS shipping (discount € 6.00)