Primary Cleaning Filter (PP)
Vejl. udsalgspris: kr. 65.36
kr. 65.36
Primary Cleaning Filter ( PP ) is manufactured from 100% Polypropylene and works in a mechanical way.
The surface layer of the filter cartridge assures the high-holding capability, while the inner layer is of higher density to keep the accurate micron rate in relation to small particles.
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Primary cleaning filter protects further stages of filtration and extends the life of the whole system.
RO membrane is very powerful, but at the same time also delicate. In order to protect it, as a main and most precious part of the filtration system, water first flows through a pre-filter.
Primary cleaning filter (pp) or pre-filter removes the largest particles such as hair, sand, dirt, rust and other sediments, with a precision of 5 microns.
This filter should be changed every 6 months to prevent clogging and leaving the RO membrane unprotected.
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