We take your water seriously!

After testing the Wetality-W1000 water cleaning system in several test environments,
we found a contaminated source in Aarhus, Denmark that was closed due to the discovery
of 5 different pesticides.

We have been working closely with Eurofins* in the testing process and asked them to do a lot of research into what
the Wetality W-1000 can do.
*the world leader in food, environment and pharmaceutical products testing.

The feedback from Eurofins (Europe's best laboratory) has been fine and very detailed.
By choosing the most reputable laboratory and asking them to perform ongoing tests, we are confident that we will get the best possible water from our equipment.

When testing this kind of equipment, there are many factors that need to be matched in order to always have the optimal product.

That's why Wetality conducts continuous testing of our machines - so we are sure that they meet our stringent requirements.
Both - future Tests and Analysis will be presented periodically.

Test 1 - View the results

On January 23, 2020, we conducted extensive testing of the water from the contaminated well.
The test showed that the water sample contained these 5 pesticides:

  • 2,6 - DCPP (2 - (2,6 - dichlorophenoxy-propionic acid))
  • 4 - CPP
  • Dichloroprop (2,4 - DP)
  • Mechlorprop (MCPP)
  • N, N - Dimethylsulfamide

These pesticides were the reason why the authorities chose to close this drinking water well.

We had found some perfect test water!

ANALYSIS-1 - View the results

The analysis report shows that all pesticides have been removed by purifying with the Wetality W-1000!
Of course, this is very important and the reason why Wetality W-1000 is a great investment for many people.

Test 2 - View the results

We wanted to be sure that the Wetality W-1000 could handle the removal of Microorganisms and other bacteria in the drinking water, which is why we have conducted several tests to document this.

This test is from the same well as the Pesticide test (Test-1), as it turned out that there was also a high number of Kimtal - to plate count in the same well from Aarhus.
The content of the sample was 1100, with a permissible max. of 200.
So the limit value in the water sample was exceeded by more than 500%!

ANALYSIS-2 - View the results

This test shows that the Wetality W-1000 removes Coliform Bacteria, which is also very important, and often the reason why sources are closed for short or long periods - because there is, for example, the return of waste water bacteria to the drinking water.

The sample showed a content of 1100 and 14 - 21 after purification, which is very good since the upper limit is 200.

ANALYSIS-3 - View the results

It can be seen that the level of Calcium and Magnesium is also removed by the highly efficient Osmosis purification. However, minerals are returned in the process after the Osmosis filter.

As shown by studies by Professor Erik Arvin, from DTU Environment, only 5 - 16% of one's total calcium and magnesium needs are obtained from the drinking water.

When obtaining pesticide-free water, a mineral part is also removed in the purification process, but approx. half can be added subsequently by Mineral Filters.

Since no human gets most of its minerals from the drinking water, no matter which method you use, you should always supplement with Calcium and Magnesium from other sources, as the water is only a small part of one's overall needs.

This applies whether you drink tap water or prefer something that is guaranteed pesticide-free from Wetality-W1000.

ANALYSIS-4 - View the results

Since the pH scale was invented in Denmark around 1930, there has been a focus on the pH value of the body. There are many opinions about how basic the body should be. However, there is a consensus that a basic body is much healthier than an acid holding body.

Osmotic water has a pH value that goes down to approx. 4 in pH value.

The Wetality W-1000 raises the level to 6 - 10, which is good since the average amount of water you want to drink should be above 7.3.

The chart below shows how you can choose to drain the water from the Wetality W-1000 if you want a specific pH value.

If you want a pH value of +8 on average, you should tap approx. 1 liter per tapping in a jug and then tapping the next jug at least 1 hour thereafter. When the Wetality W-1000 has not been used for several hours, the water will be +9 pH value.

This way you can plan your consumption based on how much pH you want.
